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Submitted by Comments:
Name: David York
From: Hermit Park
E-mail: Contact
What is your email address?

Admin reply:
Added: January 2, 2012 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Marcel & Maria
From: Germany
E-mail: Contact
What a nice hostel! We were really enthusiastic of it. We had worked in Townsville and stayed for 2 months in the reef lodge. It was like home-feeling.
The rooms, kitchen and outside area are clean. The kitchen have a great facility.
The different levels provide for a relaxing atmosphere.

Thank you for the great Christmas BBQ

Admin reply: Hi Guys hope you had a nice Christmas and have a great trip and glade you enjoyed your stay here.
Added: December 27, 2011 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Linda
From: Ireland
Loved this place, made a lot of great friends there.. sad to leave but the travelling must go on!

Admin reply: Hi Linda thank you for the nice comment and hope you have a safe and fun trip. All the best from the Reeflodge. :-D
Added: December 9, 2011 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Tara
From: Ireland
E-mail: Contact
Loved it here, best hostel i'v ever stayed at! Great place to meet friends and in great spot. Made the best friends ever here. Gona miss it lots! Thanks guys! x x

Admin reply: Thanks Tara hope you have a great holiday and thanks for the nice post. all the best
Added: December 5, 2011 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Lindsey
From: Belgium
E-mail: Contact
Reef Lodge is a bit different from usual hostels, I thought. It's clean and very nice (though some of the rooms have no aircon, but this is advertised clearly) and the rules about alcohol and noise are actually enforced for a change! Unfortunately, this doesn't necessarily mean a quiet night, since you're literally right next to Townsville's party street, and noise does bleed over. They have a clever system to keep the kitchen clean: there's camera surveillance. It helps moderately, but we're still talking about a hostel kitchen of course, they're never completely clean. All in all a good stay, though I was missing a pool a little bit. And they don't keep luggage for you after check-out, you have to leave it in a common area. Might look for a different hostel next visit to Townsville.

Admin reply: Thank you for the comment. I only have 1 dorm that doesn’t have a/c which is my budget room, all the rest have a/c. As for luggage storage we have had many problems with looking after bags, so much so I purchased a $20,000-00 set of lockers. These are in our reception for people to store their bags, allowing people to come and go as they please. They are also much safer choice for valuables and only $2 for a large locker for very BIG backpacks and $1 for the smaller lockers for wallets cameras and notebooks. There is a common area people can leave thier bags and is overlooked by a camera, but as I say this is at your own risk. The street noise can at times be a bit noisy but we are in the city centre. As for the kitchen, what can I say that you haven’t already said? This system works quite well with the camera, but only if you keep an eye on what is happening and remind people about the security deposits. In all most people are good but there are always the minority that don’t care about the other people here. Have a nice trip in OZ.
Added: November 30, 2011 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: james
Dean no one likes you. Your a grumpy old c***

Admin reply: Happily I'll leave this comment to the individual who wrote it! Grow a set and tell me face to face instead of hiding behind a computer and writing obscene postings about what you have done to me, my wife and daughter. Are you that scared of me or are you just the most Gutless/spineless individual that I have had the displeasure of knowing or is this the best you have?
You really are a joke! Have a nice day whoever you may be.

To the rest of the people who read this posting sadly this person has left many obscene comments of which in future will simply be deleted. This just goes to show some of the juvenile things I have to put up with.

Added: November 23, 2011 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Patrick
From: Ireland
great hostel, nice and clean and good location thanks very much, hopefully I will be back one day.

Admin reply: Thank you hope you enjoy the harbour bridge carefall you dont fall off

all the best patrick

Added: November 16, 2011 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Jochem Venn
E-mail: Contact
Stayed here for 5 days very pleasent and frankly I'm happy they stop people drinking at 10-30 cause Ihave had some bad experience with drunk people. Very clean and staff very nice. GREAT KITCHEN!
and hanging chair are very strange but good idea in TV area . Would recomned to come stay. Thank you

Admin reply: My wifes fault with the chairs, she seems to always wants to sweep and hose! No chair legs to get in the way. All the best
Added: October 7, 2011 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Kel Towerton
From: Brisbane
E-mail: Contact
Happy with facilities and staff were great. But didn't enjoy the night clubs going to 4 o'clock in the morning both nights of my stay! (Sat/Sun)

Admin reply: Thankyou for your comment but this happens from time to time. Sadly this has happened during your stay, I have e-mailed you an address to send a complaint. I have already sent a e-mail with reguard to this to the liquor licencing department who is in charge of these issues and asures me that they should not happen. Sadly they dont stay here on those nights. Thank you again All the best Dino
Added: September 29, 2011 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: idiot
From: uk
E-mail: Contact
Well be warned..... the guy that runs this place is a rude ars, he picks on people, walks around the place like he is king, you cant sit outside your room and have a drink after 9.30pm. the place is well over rated... pay abit more and stay at the civic guest house alot nicer there, and you dont feel like your are in a prison with a dickhead warden!!!!!!!!!!!! oh yeah and the rooms have ants everywhere....yuk.... and his wife is just as unpleasant aswell so i advise only stay here if you cant get anywhere else..

Admin reply: As Mr Spock said in 'The Wrath of Khan' "the good of the many outweighs the good of the few, or the one" Thank you very much for your comment. You have it a bit wrong! There is no drinking alcohol or loud noise in the hostel after 10-30 pm and to be considerate of the other guests. This you were told about when you checked in. If you take such offense to this, then I am truly sorry. I have had this rule in place for over 5 years because of the DRUNKEN FIGHTS which start at all hours of the night and day, the last of which ended with a guy taken away to hospital to have his face sewn back together. Happily we now have far less trouble, so I will not apologise for this. Happily the amount of customers that say they like this rule is overwhelming as they are sick of staying at hostels were the drunks are out of control. However, sadly in your case wanting to continue drinking alcohol after the 10-30pm curfew seems to be a problem. I am sorry we could not cater to your requirement, but the safety and comfort of my customers comes first and I am glad you found Civic Guest house to your liking as Ann and her husband are very nice people. As for ants, well this is the tropics and they are attracted to food so I would say a little food or sugar has fallen on the floor of your room. This is the only complaint about ants I have had in about 6 months. By the tone of your posting you are upset but there is no need for name calling and profanities. However! It is a shame you had to hide behind a keyboard and couldn't find the gumption to talk to me yourself. I would have happily explained this to you. My wife and I deal with on average 20,000 + (twenty thousand +) people a year many of which speak very little or no English at all. We deal with discrimination, abuse, arguments racism and the fact two grown people cannot get along with each other. We help people in distress and have no food because they have no money or have been robbed we look after peoples cuts, wounds and sores. We clean up after people who vomit, pee and poo in places you think it not possible. Finally we put up with reviews and comments like this from people without a face or a name. Which is OK as everyone has an opinion. Sadly, we have our bad days and yet we are still here 9 years later. All the best to you both and I sincerely hope you have a great stay in OZ. Dino
Added: September 27, 2011 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  

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